Saturday, May 23, 2009

Personal Safety Seminar at Greenfield High Shool for Senior Girls

Yesterday two JRRMAS Staff members JK and CG and I presented a Seminar on Personal Safety at Greenfield High School for a group of 20 girls who are preparing to leave for their first year away at college. This is one of the Personal Safety techniques that we introduced to them. Our main goal was to get them talking to each other about personal safety and get advice from their older peers on what they do to stay safe. We also encouraged the college freshmen to seek out resources on Personal Safety where they go to college and either join a Karate or Self-Defense class or take a specific class on like a 'model mugging' program etc. In order to ensure that you have the physical skills for self-defense they need to be practiced and rehearsed to be available and effective under the stress of an attack. There is NO substitute for regular practice of skills (any skills)!

The main idea we presented to the group was awareness of your surrounding and the people that you are with. The importance of setting personal limits with yourself and others. Getting carried away during freshman year is common. Try to remember it's your first time away on your own, and with the newness of it all, it's easy to get carried away and possibly off track.... remember why you are get an education. Stay committed to getting that!

We stressed the importance of 'self regulation' and accountability for your actions. Know who you are going with before you go anywhere with them. Drinking, drugs and driving don't mix.......Saying NO is not just about sex!