Monday, November 30, 2020

Sunrise Monday 11.20.20 - ****Fourth installment Qigong Walking

 Well it's the last day of November 2020 and a big storm and weather change is on the way across Florida, coming in from the NW. 

Very nice color right before sunrise. Very little wind and the last morning of warmer temperatures as a cold front is coming in later today. 

****When I'm Qigong walking I basically first tune into the same principles as I do while practicing Standing Meditation, then I add the moving forward principles (from Bagua Zhang) as I alternate right and left steps.  Once I have all the physical particulars attended to and I calibrate my mind to tune into myself and my breathing, I then connect with Mother Ocean/Sky/Beach (nature).

I then recite out loud:

"Feel the skin, 

Gently stretching, 

Elastic and expanding like a balloon.

Beneath the skin,

Hollow and empty."

Feel all the skin over the entire body gently stretching/releasing with your movement. 

Connect all the facial tissue from head to toe. 

Song (release/relax) downward, (Bone Up/Muscle Down)

Peng  upward, (Inflating energy, like a balloon filling, from the bottom up)

Fill your entire being with:


Relax and Release ALL excess tension - Mentally, Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually

FYI - Mental release is very difficult - Be patient - 

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Sunrise Sunday 11.29.20 - ***Thirds installment Qigong Beach Walking

Tide was high with NO wind, so the no-see-ums were out if full force. I still managed to get a warm up, some Qigong and a round of T'ai Chi with only a dozen or so bites. Hungry little devils, those no-see-ums!! The beach was running out so I'm going to wait for lower tide to Beach Walk.

When Qigong Walking:

Align to relax,
Relax releases
Release expands
Expansion connects internally
and externally (to your partner or nature)
1. Roll the feet
2. Soften the knees
3. Release your lower back by aligning the head and shoulders
4. Feel the line from the crown of your head to the perineum (Chung meridian)
5. Connect that line to the point between the balance point of you feet (Bubbling Springs)
6. Increase your awareness paying attention to the quality of your Central Equilibrium
7. Strive for relaxed balance, a product of releasing downward (Song), devoid of any excess tension

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Sunrise Saturday 11.28.20 & ***Qigong Beach Walk post #2

 Got out a bit late for first light. I'm sure there was more color 15 minutes earlier...But this was what I captured when I finally made it to the beach.

Pretty flat sea this morning with little to no wind. Did bring up the no-see-ums but all I did was shoot a couple of photos and then a 30 minute Qigong Beach Walk before I came back home for Sensei Jeff's 8am T'ai Chi class. Great class, was nice to see everyone. I felt wonderful afterwards.

Thanks Jeff...Bow!

Take a few moments to breath deeply, in and out through the nose, exhale longer than you inhale.


***A bit more detail on the Qigong Beach Walk:

To RELAX means to consciously SONG

Song has an internal feeling of release and expand - Difficult to see on the outside, but easy to feel if you are touching.

The recipe for relax (song):

1. Align the bones vertically - Imagine a plumb line through the center of your being - float the bones one over the other as if you are stacking boxes -

2. Release any excess tension downward - Ice to water, water to gas -

3. The release feels like the area is expanding in all directions like a balloon inflating

4. The expansion (the result of Song) connects your white tissue (facia and connective tissues) internally and externally. The internal connection is used to Ting (bring awareness to) your partner (externally) tensions and misalignments.

5. Use your breathing, to consciously release excess tension downward, using the mental image of the tension being ICE melting to WATER, WATER evaporating through the pores as a GAS. Resulting in further release and expansion.

*The process of Song is unlimited. Each and every breath can yield a deeper level of Song. There is NO limit!

6. Bone Up, Muscle Down When you feel the release downward internally watch out for collapsing externally; That IS NOT Song.

7. It takes time to bake a cake.....Be patient, it's part of the practice. IF you're practice is not making you at least slightly impatient you may not be practicing in a way that will eventually yield a higher level. Your practice may have become too comfortable to make any real progress.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Qigong and T'ai Chi on the beach this morning.

The first principle that I recite (out loud) while I start my Qigong Beach Walk:

1. Loose, supple and relaxed:

    Let the arms swing freely as if they are two strands of pearls

    Feel the torso stretch in opposite directions as the hands and feet alternate forward and backward, feel the Two Pillars phasing from stretch to release. (Two Pillars: A line from midway between the shoulder and the neck, through the nipple, the hip, knee, ankle, foot and then further into the ground) 

    Feel the spine gently rotating with the momentum developed by moving forward. 

    Coordinate the relaxed movement from head to toe and then with the breathing. 

    Goal is to breath in and out through the nose, breathing out longer than you breath in. Relaxed breathing without any straining. 


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Sunrise Wednesday 11.18.20

 Had a great early morning practice today. The view didn't hurt;^)

 The tide was 1/2 way, so there was plenty of beach and firm sand to practice on. Started off with todays version of The 10. I've been including the Song Gong from Master Huang for the past few years and it's starting to pay off in how I think about my 'Round' and Standing practices.

I then had a wonderful 'Round' of Tai Chi (left side today) with special emphasis on Zhong Ding (central equilibrium). Using the strong north wind as my practice partner, gently testing my Zhong Ding (balance).

Then I took a 30 minute Qigong Beach Walk....Life is GOOD!!

Enjoy your practice


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

This mornings practice spot - Tuesday 11.17.20

Well I wasn't surprised but it was just me and the birds this morning for 7am Beach Practice. I'm open this coming Thursday 11/19 at 7am to workout with anyone that's in the area of New Smyrna Beach. Let me know if you can make it. It'll be FUN;^)

The tide is 1/2 way at 7am for the next few days. Plenty of beach to play on. Come one, come all.......

Monday, November 16, 2020

Old Karate Masters

This mornings practice spot - Sunrise Monday 11.16.20

 You're all invited to practice with me Tuesday mornings at 7am. I'll be at the 22nd Ave boardwalk, on the beach. I'm usually there for an hour or two, depending on the tide, time, no-seeums, wind......etc. 

I go with the flow....

Let me know if you can make it. Email at our Studio web site 

Sunday, November 15, 2020

The view from this mornings training spot - Sunday 11.15.20

 This mornings training spot at the 22nd Ave Boardwalk. The tide was up, so there was very little beach to practice on, but.....It did keep the riff raff from coming to the beach;^) So it was VERY private! Just me and all that Ocean Chi.....With gratitude and appreciation.

You're all invited to class on Tuesday at 8am. We meet on the beach at the 22nd Ave Boardwalk. Let me know if you can make it. 

Monday, November 9, 2020

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

1st Special Training in Leyden back in 2008

Hope you're all doing well!


Monday, November 2, 2020

Cook Ding's Kitchen: What Really Happens When We Practice Standing Meditation - Zhan Zhuang

Cook Ding's Kitchen: What Really Happens When We Stand: I have mentioned before that I have been following the Standing Stake Practice, aka Zhan Zhuang in one form or another for many years now,...