Sunday, July 12, 2009

Modern Arnis - Slap off and re-grab drill

Sifu and JRRMAS staff member LS practice the Modern Arnis counter the counter, slap off and re-grab drill

Lesson 1:

The attacker (LS) strikes with one of the 12 angles of attack,

Sifu block, checks and counters the original attack,

The attacker stops the counter with their 'live hand',

either on the inside or the outside of the fore arm (Sifu's)

Then Sifu will either

'slap off'

then..... re-counter from the same side



then..... re-counter from the same side

Lesson 2:

A central theme in Modern Arnis is to 'Counter the Counter': 'Tapi Tapi'


until you steal their time

and achieve a superior body position,

Until you find

or create the opening

allowing you to successfully Counter their Counter!

Lesson 3:

This is an excellent drill for skill acquisition!