Friday, October 16, 2009

American Karate-do women Black and Brown Belts

American Karate-do Black belts Jennifer L. and Sharon M. pose with one of our currently active Green belts Lily S.
I have an earlier version of this photo from when Sharon and Jennifer were both White or Yellow belts...If I can find a digital version I'll post it!

Posing with currently active JRRMAS Staff member and Black belt candidate Colleen G. - It's so helpful for our Studio community when Black belts that have moved away or just become inactive for one reason or the other come back and adds so much depth and history to the students experience.
Calling all American Karate-do and Modern Arnis Black and Brown belts as well as all 5+year T'ai Chi and Bagua practitioners to please come in and visit!! You are all welcome to come and visit .....ANYTIME!!