Monday 7 . 31 . 17 Adult Karate Class
Supervisor: Sensi Angus Reid 3rd degree black belt
Class Lead : Seth McCabe Ni Kyu 2nd degree brown belt
Attendees: Cheri, Matt, Geona, Lawna, Jordan, John
My Goals is raise the level of the group with Basics, side, thrust and Turning Side.
10 Exercises
10 Each Middle, High, Low and Double Block low n High
10 Vertical Punches
Front Plank, Both side planks increasing to 45 seconds from 30 seconds on last class
Leg lifts 20 lateral up and down, 10 round house, 10 side kick each side
Leg Lifts for inner thigh 20 each leg
Sason Stepping First just holding each side for a minute to adjust and find the honey spot
then moved slowly up and down the room stopping and setting into the stance prior to
stepping forward. We then added in the reverse punch up and down then finally adding
in the Middle block punch and Low block punch. (by this time legs were feeling the pain)
Partnered up and did side kick exercise to identify the line of the kick 10 to 15 each leg in and out
with resistance.
Circled up and performed loose kicks meant for dynamic stretching of legs and leg muscle
preparing them for kicking. We did crescent, round house and side kicks both sides
moving around the circle.
Training Session one:
Side Kicking with partner back and forth across the room.
Changing to turning side kick across the room
Each group went back and forth twice for each kick.
Self Defense:
We broke up into two groups of three. This exercise we had one person in front with body shield and one
person on the side with a body shield. The person in the front would approach the defender. Once they got to a
critical distance a rear leg thrust kick/side kick or Knee was used to ward the attacker. During this the second attacker advanced
from the side, the defender would spot this attacker and hit them with a turning side kick. We did this for 10 or so times each
side each person rotating through each position.
Training Session Two:
Geared up and ran across the room back and fourth. 1st I choose a technique for Attacker and defender, Then Angus made up a technique
as well as Cheri.
Lastly we end with a quick round of free sparring trying to incorporate all of the techniques and training we just
went through.
During the entire class Angus and I were observing and teaching.
I felt very good and felt and very good command of the materials and teaching of them.
I am feeling much more at ease with leading the class. I thank everyone who has helped with this process. Truly thank you.
Seth McCabe Ni Kyu