Sunday, October 4, 2020

Happy Birthday Janee!

 Happy Birthday Janee! 

Janee's husband, Don Stone invited me to do a surprise T'ai Chi Ch'uan demonstration for Janee's birthday party yesterday. 

I talked about meeting Janee at our mutual teachers, Master Paul Gallagher's classes in Hadley, MA and the reasons why I continue to study, teach and practice our grand teacher, Master T. T. Liang's style of T'ai Chi Ch'uan. 

I demonstrated the Double Broadsword, the Single Broadsword and the Jian (straight double edged sword) forms. I practice these forms primarily for health maintenance, to keep my hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders and neck/back properly conditioned. 

Master Liang was able to perform the Double Broadsword form well into his 90's! To me that is truly impressive. Wish me luck;^)