Monday, March 28, 2022

Modern Arnis Knife Disarm #4

    Here is a brief explanation and short practice of Modern Arnis Knife Disarm #4 with Sifu J. R. Roy and Sensei Jeff Chaisson.
    Sifu was first introduced to Modern Arnis Knife Disarms back in the early 1990's when Prof. Presas would sit in and occasionally teach a bit of Modern Arnis to his American Karate students.

    The Prof. observed a bunch of Sifu's classes during that time period. The experience was memorable, especially when he would stand up and teach the group. Usually he would teach Trapping Hands but occasionally he would share his Knife Disarming knowledge.

    The Prof. had numerous practical experiences disarming an actual opponent.
The Prof. DID NOT encourage knife disarming!

The Prof. told me "You will be cut"!!

These techniques are last ditch efforts and meant to teach some possible actions to take IF the opportunity presents itself.

ALWAYS try to DE-ESCELATE and DEFUSE a potentially violent situation.

