Friday, December 30, 2022

Be still and breathe deeply.....

 1) Be still (standing or sitting)

2) Be comfortable

3) Focus your mind on abdominal your breathing.  (Taoist Longevity Breathing)

4) Breathe:

a) Slow, 

b) Fine, 

c) Even 

d) Soft 

5) Breathe in and out through the nose. 

6) On the out breath: Release any tension downward like Ice melting to Water, Water evaporating as a Gas. 

7) Start at the top of the head and work your way down your body to your feet.

8) Allow the mind to descend down into the body. It may feel like water being soaked up by a blotter.

 Think water moving down litmus paper. 

 * Tissue that is properly released will expand in all directions and the joints will naturally open up. 

"Ice to Water-Water to Gas"