Friday, February 24, 2023

Friday Practice


The Photo:

It was in the mid 60's this morning with almost no breeze. Very pleasant temperature. I ended up taking of layers on top and practiced in a t-shirt. Very nice!

The sun rose at 6:55 this morning with the last low tide at 6:03 am. There was plenty of hard packed sand to practice on. 

As the sun rose an interesting thing happened that I've never seen before. The top of the sun was pure white while the bottom half was still sunrise red/pink. Very odd indeed. Eventually as the sun continued to rise the entirety of the sun became pure white. Very cool! I love nature!

The Practice:

Yet another sunrise practice! This one was a bit touch and go. I wasn't sure I'd be able to physically do my regular practices; I seem to have injured my low back, sacroiliac joint. I suspect I did it during an enthusiastic Bagua Zhang practice at sunset last night. I was experimenting with rotating further than usual during the movement "Hide the Flowers Beneath the Leaves". Evidently I can't get away with that much rotation?!?! Ouch!!

I'm reminded that the twisting/rotation in Bagua is to OPEN the spine. When you over rotate it has the opposite effect. Ouch!!

*Younger joints have the proper amount of space in the joint

* As we age: Older joints start to diminish the space between the joint. Western medicine calls it 'Stenosis'.

One of the main ideas in Internal Training is to enhance and cultivate ease of movement in your joints. Most notably cultivating a healthy spine from head to tail bone including the SI joints. 

I was able to do my entire Warm Up, Qigong (standing meditation) and a Round on the left side. 


It was a very social morning on the beach. I guess my Yin energy (magnetic) was in full force?

First, Dale a regular walker stopped to chat. We commiserated about how wonderful it is to exercise on the beach as the sun is rising. Reinforcing the idea for both of us.

I also saw or talked to:

 Kim, who stopped to chat about T'ai Chi. I've met her before. She had learned some T'ai Chi in the past. I (of course) asked about her regularity of training and she said she goes in "fits and spurts". 

Hey! It's all good. Do what you can, when you can. I did mention that IF you were to try and take on a daily practice. Initially a single conscious, abdominal breath, might be all you are able to do consistently. Then you could add TWO breaths and so on. My advice to anyone is "Baby Steps' to develop the habit of regular practice. Slow....But steady as she goes!!

My encouragement is if you've learned something (anything) DO IT! 

At whatever schedule you are able to do it on, just do it! 

The goal is to develop a daily practice habit! (It takes about 60-90 consecutive days to develop a habit)

Lastly I saw Lisa riding her bike. We waved!

I also saw the regular gang of 4 sunrise beach walkers. They added a 5th member today. I guy (I don't know his name) who regularly jogs. He's the guy on the right hand side.

I had an appointment this morning, so I had to get back to the house before 8:00. I barely made it!