Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Tuesday Practice

No sunrise photo this morning. 

I had other priorities. 

The Practice:

Very different start to the day this morning. Our dog Lucy is very ill and I ended up spelling GG who was up most of the last two nights with her. Lucy was having long spurts of coughing as well as a host of other health problems. Her prognosis is not great. I'm afraid that these are her last days. We are just trying to keep her comfortable and loved.

It took discipline to NOT go down to the beach for my usual sunrise practice and photo shoot. But it was the right thing to do. I was able help Lucy be being calm and transferring that feeling of calm to her. 

Calm is a Super Power

I ended up doing my morning health practice in the back yard. Not the best practice I've ever had but an important one because of how out of the ordinary it was. I'm so habituated to doing my practice on the beach I felt the downgrade. I had a tough time maintaining my concentration after two nights of interrupted sleep and worry about Lucy. So I focused on not reacting when I realized I had slipped from the right side to the left side in my Round. That happened several times. I did get better at staying equanimous, not reacting one way or the other, when I realized my error I simply corrected it, emotionally detached, as if from the third party perspective. In that respect it was a very productive session.