Sunday, April 2, 2023

Sunday Practice


The Photo:

Sunrise 7:13 and high tide was 7:26 so there was just enough hard packed sand to practice on. There was a slight breeze from N N/W, enough to keep the no-see-um's down.

The Practice:

This morning I focused on relaxed balance (Central Equilibrium) while doing #9 exercise from The 10 exercises. Relaxed Balance is a general theme that I re-visit most every training session. I kept that theme up throughout the session this mornings. 

I also focused on my connection to nature. Extending out to the horizon and drawing in the healing energy of the Atlantic Ocean. Breathing in the new and the fresh and exhaling the old and the used: 

*Breathing in Calm Centered Internal Strength, Resilience and Non-Reactivity. 

*Breathing out any Turbid Qi, Injury, Illness or Disease.


I saw the 4 walkers. This morning there were only 3

There were a fair number of tourists this morning. Families with kids and lone joggers and walkers.