Friday, September 8, 2023

Friday Practice


Jeff came up 9-1. We talked about and practiced a whole bunch of 'stuff'. One of the main themes throughout:

Contemplating doesn't need an answer.

A question begets an answer. 

The first thing we started to practice is The 21 (Tai-Chi Qigong) using Hun/Haah Breathing Out Loud. We also used the new middle section from Master Choi (side bends and different breathing pattern on the side to side movement).

Next The 10+ Exercises with discussion on the variations for #8 (against a wall) & #9 (we reviewed all the variations and the original).

Then some detail on the 3 Swings, especially #3. 

We also had some practice and discussion on Song Gong.

We did a Round (right side) to a metronome set at 60bpm with two tones; On the beat and half beats.

We started out by discussing the idea of a 'count' using a four count: 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & The 'movement' starts on the 1 and ends on the 4 &. From the & of 4 until the 1 there is a state of Wuji (stillness) and one movement does not 'splice' to the next movement but rather stops without actually stopping (paradox).

All Parts Start and Stop Together

Next we reviewed and practiced the Tai-Chi 13 Spear Set. First solo vocalizing targets and then as partners. After several rounds of the three sections we practiced 'coiling' as a discreet exercise. We focused on keeping the front arm relaxed when practicing the Spear Jab.

Then we reviewed and practiced The Tai-Chi Dance from Master T. T. Liang on both sides. Focusing on 'correct thinking' and Wu Wei. 

Mind / No Mind

*No mind is referring to a highly trained skill that no loner requires conscious thought.

The 4 F's idea I learned from Master Paul Gallagher back in the 1970's:

Form - Function - Feeling - Forgetting

'Forgetting' is referring to the state of Mind/No Mind above and Unconscious Competence below. Your skill (of whatever) is no longer dependent on conscious thought. An example is learning to drive a standard shift car. Tough at first but with practice becomes 'second nature' and will not require much conscious thought. 

Another way of saying 'Forgetting' comes from my Drum Set study:

1. Unconscious Incompetence

2. Conscious Incompetence

3. Conscious Competence

4. Unconscious Competence