Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Wednesday Practice


The backdrop for a video I shot for Paul today.

I started my practice in the driveway this morning, with Parts I and II of the solo form. I ran out of time. 

Next I drove my convertible to Hatfield to meet with Paul and Read. 

I'm lining up coverage for Paul once I migrate to NSB. Read had some wonderful ideas with variations of Tai-Chi Ruler from B. P. Chan (and Paul Gallagher). We're going to meet again next Wednesday.

We started with socializing and talking about Paul's practice...What works? What do you find yourself doing? One answer was Bagua.

So Read and I shared some ideas and suggestions to Bagua-ize Paul's walking. 

Next I reviewed some details of Wuji Standing then we went on to single leg standing with assist (hand on the wall)  

We went on with a brief Warm Up then Read introduced Tai-Chi Ruler that he has been using for his health practice. The exercise resonated with Paul. Read went over several variations and I gave a few suggestions including 'free style' or improvising with Big wide Open movements.

We also covered ballistic pad work using Jab and Cross. This really 'sparked' Paul. It awakened 'Something'.

I also reviewed the intro to the Tai-Chi solo form and then a Round of Part I up until the 4th Brush Knee Twist.

Next a little single arm push hands on the left side.

Lastly I used a two pound soft weight and suggested simply passing it from hand to hand without looking at the exchange...But 'feeling' where the other hand is. 

Excellent session......