Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Wednesday Practice


First 'dusting' of the season.....Cold and snowy today.

I practiced upstairs in The Loft starting with a full Warm Up of The 10+ Exercises...using The Inner Palms Standing Set for #9

Next I did a Round (left side) focused on calm, centered and relaxed.

Afterwards I drove into town with GG. She dropped me off at Cherry Rum to pick up the 4-Runner then I drove to Hatfield to train with Paul C.

Paul's Tai-Chi Room. My knapsack is the center of our Bagua Circle. My GoPro 11 is set up on a tripod in the far right corner. I'm making a few short videos to assist and suggest a few of the exercises that have been working fr Paul.

Wuji Stance = for postural alignment and core strengthening and balance. Today I did not move on to single leg stances. Relaxed, deep breathing, in and out through the nose.

Bagua Walking - Moving with good postural alignment keeping track of the center of the circle. We did 3 circles in each direction.

Centering the Breath - Breathing in the new and the fresh, breathing out the old and the used.

Warm Up - Up and Down with feet and arms, then #1 and #2 from The 10 Exercises

Center the Breath

Pad Punching - Cross with both hands, free style with both hands against two pads. Paul is very animated when punching the pads. Length of arm is more important than power. Short punches are ok for martial arts but not for Paul. Everything should be as long, big and open as possible. 

Center the Breath

Intro to Tai-Chi form - Three repetitions as big and open as possible

Center the Breath

Tai-Chi solo form - Part I up to the 4th Brush Knee Twist on the left side. One repetition. 

We ended with doing the first part of Part I sitting, just using our hands and arms to articulate the movements. Then just hands and fingers and finally without external movement, just the mind.

I had a brief discussion with Jean about next week,  before I left. Next week will be my last session with Paul for this season.