Friday, December 1, 2023

Friday Practice - day 8,189


The Photo (s):

Sunrise was at 7:01, with no wind there was a fog/mist up and down the beach and out to sea as well. With no wind the no-see-um's (nsums)were out in force. They became more bothersome as my practice went on. Eventually the nsums drove me off the beach. Low tide was at 5:27 so there was plenty of hard packed sand to practice on. It's just the nsums! Oy!!

I started shooting the sunrise from the get go. 'Twas a beauty in person. the fog/mist is challenging to capture; You can't really get exactly what you eye is seeing. The surrogate (camera) has it's own way of 'seeing' light, depending on the lense, the settings, in the case of digital cameras the algorithms of the ISO and the sensitivity of the chip, in film cameras it's the film speed and ASA settings. Let's just say it's not as accurate as the human eyes are. 

The Practice:

I started with a full Warm Up using The 10+ followed by a Round (right side)

I had several mental focuses starting with being aware of Zhong Ding (central equilibrium) while moving. Very interesting to notice that my relaxed balance was still in fully happening even while I was switching legs. It was as if I had an internal gyroscope and no matter how I moved I remained in relaxed balance. The product of years of consistent training (I'd guess).

I also tuned into the feeling of Song (Sung) throughout the warm up and my Round. I could feel Song happening over and over throughout my entire body, notably in my back/spine, legs/hips, arms/shoulders. I focused on releasing the weighted leg as I shifted weight off of it. I did the same thing with my arms and shoulders; Returning them to a more relaxed state when they were not being held as high or forward, but at my side. Once the arm didn't need to work as hard I consciously released it to a more relaxed state.

Next I felt my skin and tuned into the fact that it on the outside of my entire body. Amazing!! Once I could feel the skin slightly stretching and releasing, then I added the realization that my fascia was stretching and releasing as well. Creating a change in the frequency/vibration of my entire being. 


For more info:

Sifu Roy