Sunday, January 14, 2024

Sunday Practice


The Photo:

The sunrise was at 7:19, low tide at 4:37. There was a splash of color right before the sunrise. 

It's 54 here at the house. I'll be dressing for a cold morning on the beach.

There was a stiff north wind that threatened to knock my tripod over. I had to literally hold onto my tripod to keep it from falling over. Oy!

 The cold and wind made me happy that I dressed with everything I have here, from long underwear, ear flap hat to gloves and my hood up. Still I kept my back to the wind and almost called it!

The Practice:

The cold and stiff north wind made for a little different session this morning. I did a modified 10+ to warm up, followed by a Round (left side) focused on No Mind simply observing the unconscious competency that I've developed over the past 40+ years of study and practice. I also focused on the horizon and connecting to the big amplifier (Atlantic Ocean). 

Breathing in calm, centered internal strength that is infinitely resilient and not over reactive. 

Breathing out any turbid qi, illness, injury or disease. 

Next I reviewed Anyo Lima (#5) and Chinto Kata focused on agility and solid basics plus relaxed balance throughout. Relaxed balance on soft sand is challenging. Add the cold and the stiff north wind and it's a total immersion in natures energies. I had a profound connection this morning! 

Next I did a Healing Qigong and quickly returned to the house....Brrrr!