Monday, February 12, 2024

Monday Practice

I shot this with my phone when I first got down to the beach. I was a tad late this morning....But I made it!!

The Details:

The sunrise was at 7:06, last low tide at 4:26. It's 68 here at the house. The breeze was coming from the west, so the beach was in the lee. There was plenty of beach to practice on and quite a few more tourists and a few regulars too!

The Practice:

It was a tough start this morning. I had a bunch of internal dialog going on that was not helpful. I actually had a good reason to not initiate a sunrise beach practice. I currently have a lot of chores to do; Taking care of Echo and all the house duties. One more day to go. 

I won the internal dialog battle; My suggestion when this happens (which it will):

Don't think, just Do! 

The tough days are super important in the development of indomitable spirit and to strengthening of ones will, determination and discipline. 

IMHO - IF you rely on motivation as you age, it won't be long before you just don't feel like it.

The Training:

I started with a slightly modified warm up using The 10+, doing just a few less repetitions of some of them. But at least a few of all of them. I was negotiating with my lower self!

Next I did a Round (left side) focused on not overthinking, just doing!

Next I did a round of Anyo Isa and Nihanchi Kata - I've been adjusting a few of the techniques in Nihanchi Kata. 

I finished with a Healing Qigong before returning to the house.