Saturday, March 23, 2024

Saturday Practice


I shot this image with my phone camera soon after I got down to the beach. Initially there was a heavy cloud bank on the horizon, slowly the sun outlined the cloud bank.

The Details:

It's 66 here at the house. The sunrise was at 7:24, high tide at 8:35.

The Practice:

There was zero wind on the beach and the tide was high and still coming up. I had to retreat up the beach several times to keep my sneakers dry. The noseeums were a problem. It was warm and eventually I took my rain jacket off, but kept my long sleeve top on so I wouldn't be eaten alive!

I practiced way up the beach against the sea wall at Coastal Condo's in very loose sand. The footing was challenging. I'm so used to practicing in sand I've developed some unconscious ways to keep my feet, ankles, knees and hips/lower back safe as I attempt to remain in a state of relaxed balance throughout the session.

I started with a full round of The 10+ tuned in to where I was and what I was doing without being distracted.

Next I did a Round (right side) tuned in to the principles and quality basics.

Next I did a round of Anyo Pito and Sanchin Kata tuned in to the quality of the basics.

Next I did a round of the 4 Arnis Cane Anyo with my left hand. #4 proved to be challenging as I ended up facing away from the sea. I then did #4 with my right hand to solidify and review the directions of the postures and stance work.

I injured my right thumb earlier this week working on the triplet in White Rabbit using the index, middle and ring finger with my thumb on the neck pickup. I was using way too much tension in and odd position while I was practicing the three finger method for the first time and created a problem with my right thumb. It's been pretty uncomfortable. The injury has reminded me of just how much I use my thumbs in daily life and especially when I play drums, bass and guitar and when I type! Oy!!

I finished with a Healing Qigong while I was returning to the house.