Sunday, March 3, 2024

Sunday Practice


Yet another wash out sunrise. I only brought my phone and walking cane with me this morning. It rained during the night. 

There was a heavy cloud cover to the north and on the horizon. It was grumbling at the house and when I left the beach but I did not hear thunder while I was practicing on the beach. 

FYI  - When I see a flash of lightning or hear a grumble of thunder, I generally leave the beach as quickly as I can (same when I'm on the water sailing/boating). 

I have been at the far end of my late afternoon/evening walk, where I've been caught in some sketchy weather. This morning I was ready to flee the beach. The clouds looked ominous to the north and the west. I was early enough that I was able to get in a full practice. Yay! 

There's nothing quite like cultivating with nature at sunrise on a beach. For this opportunity I'm full of gratitude and appreciation! 

The Details:

The sunrise was at 6:47, low tide at 8:44. It's 63 here at the house. There was a steady breeze from the S S/W. It was a pleasant temperature for practice. Although there were some ominous looking clouds I squeaked out a full practice! Lucky me;^)

The Practice:

I started with a round of The 10+ tuned in to stretching and identifying fascia, nerves, connective tissue and opening joints. I also tuned in to relaxed balance and earth breathing. The 10+ are a marvelous set of exercises that seem to evolve and adjust as one ages. I've personally been doing them for 45 years and they are serving me well; They are as impactful to my overall health as HydroFlossing (water pick) is to my teeth and gums.

Next I did a Round (Taiji) tuned in to a profound connection with natures energies. 

Next I did a round of Anyo Walo (#8) and Sanchin Kata tuned in to the degree of confidence I'm developing in the detail and sequences of these forms. It's marvelous to experience. They present a lot of opportunity for maintaining agility in my 70's.

Next I did a round of Taiji Dao with my walking cane tuned in to the timing of my steps and the tip of my walking cane.

I finished with a Healing Qigong before returning to the house before the rain, thunder and lightning started.