Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Tuesday Practice @ The Studio


                     I went into The Studio to teach the 8-9:39 am Taiji and Qigong Class.

The Details: 

It was warmer (the 50's) but rainy. It rained hard overnight with thunder and lighting too! April showers bring May flowers? 

The Practice:

I got to The Studio about 10 minutes early. It gave me time to get 'set up'. Change into my training sneakers etc. 

When folks started to come in we all visited for a bit. 

I started with The 10+ explaining a few of the principles that I've been working on. 

Ting (awareness) leads to Song (release/expand) - The idea is to create space inside the body. 

Hang the muscles - Open the joints

I also talked briefly about Song creates Peng and that those principles are throughout Taiji

I also talked briefly about Zhong Ding (relaxed balance) like a perpetual gyroscope inside. Eventually all encompassing and omnipresent. 

I briefly mentioned that I've observed that Taiji practice can keep one's gate youthful longer. It's not a panacea, but it does hedge you bets.

Next I did a Round (right side) at 70 bpm - I think that the group found it difficult to keep with the count. I tried to talk about the genius of Master Liang and the fact that he had the form all laid out in an accessible way to get a good feel for Pausing at the end of postures without stopping. Flowing on ceaselessly like a great river flowing towards the sea.

I did a brief Healing Qigong at the end of the Round.

After class there was a bit of visiting. 

Next I did a couple of rounds of Taiji Jian with Read, Janee and Pat

We ended with a bit more visiting. It was great to see these folks are still practicing and to be able to talk with human beings about what I'm currently working on. Yay!!

 A small but enthusiastic group this morning. Pat is the junior of the group about to celebrate her 15th year of practicing and studying Taiji and Qigong.