Sunday, May 26, 2024

Sunday Memorial Day Practice


                 My main outdoor practice spot. I shot this with my phone camera wide angle.

The Details:

It's 65 here at the house. The sunrise was at 5:18.

The Practice:

I started outdoors in my main practice spot. I immediately noticed the Black Flies, but thought I could pull it off.

I started with a round of The 10+ but by the time I got to #2 it was apparent that I would have to move indoors to escape the pesky Black Flies.

I went into The Barn and finished The 10+ interspersed with cleaning and organizing The Barn. I'm preparing to set up my Tama drum set. 

The Barn before I started to set up the Tama's

I've been having a massive amount of trouble posting to this blog. Evidently  my newer chrome book is in need of an overhaul. It's become completely useless and super annoying. I've switched to the Lenevo laptop that I usually keep upstairs. It's working much, much better!

After The 10+ I did a Round (right side) tuned into consistency of practice and the slow but steady transformation that occurs with daily practice.

Next I did a round of Anyo Tatlo tuned into the applications and transformation.

Next I did a round of Seiuchin Kata tuned into the sequence and stability of postures and transitions.

Next I used my Dragon Canes to do a full Stick Warm Up and Modern Arnis double stick basics for twirling. I did a full shoulder routine also.