Saturday, June 1, 2024

Saturday Practice - Set your life on fire - Day 8,372

 I stared with Standing (Holding The Moon) on the deck. I shot this with a remote bluetooth shutter connected to my phone camera on a tripod. It worked!! Yay!

The Details:

It got down to the mid 40's last night. Brrrr! The sunrise was at 5:15. It looks like it's going to be a blue bird kind of day!

The Practice:

I practiced out in my main practice spot near Big Greenie

I started with a full round of The 10 + focused on material that I may present tomorrow at the Modern Arnis Workshop that I'm giving tomorrow morning at The Studio. I also tuned into #9 and did several round of Snake and Hawk Palm. I also did a few from the first set. I did these iterations around my main Bagua Tree. The relationship to a target (set point) is a crucial link to martial attributes. Bagua, Arnis, Karate and Taiji all need a set point, be it a person, a tree, a??? but something, in order to develop the correct body position, distance and timing for you personally, nobody can do it for you. The distance and body position in relationship to a target is personal, unique and highly individual.

I interspersed weeding my practice spot. There's a fair number of grassy clumps that are ripe for the picking/weeding. It's very satisfying to see the practice space free of weeds.

Next I did a Round (left side) focused on transformation and application. There's some nuance that I noticed when I recently watched B. P. Chan practicing his version of Taiji. Especially in Brush Knee And Twist Step. I've been pondering, researching and contemplating that posture and transitions to it.

Next I did another round of Anyo Anim tuned into the applications leading to drills I may use tomorrow at the Modern Arnis Workshop. 

Next I did a round of Sunsu Kata focused on correct technique and the sequence, especially at the end. 

I finished with a Healing Qigong......

"Set your life on fire,

Seek those that fan your flames"
