Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Tuesday Practice @ The Studio


The Details:

It's 69 at the house. The sunrise was at 5:33. First thing is to get the house ready for the Ponton's coming at 10 am

The Practice: 

I started with opening all the windows and starting the fans at The Studio. 

Next I did a round of Yin Fu 8 Linking Palms around a small ball tuned into the specifics of this form and maintaining good balance throughout, especially during the sweep/kicks.

Next I talked about Abdominal Breathing in some detail. 

Next we did a round of The 10+ tuned into Song Gong during the 'swings' for #10

Next we did a session with a partner reviewing Brush Knee And Twist Step (BKATS) then onto Wave Hands Like Clouds (WHLC) . I talked about the Yin/Yang details in each of these drills. The WHLC was more challenging than BKATS. Without the two person exercise / drill it's nearly impossible to understand WHLC, never mind develop any skills with the technique

Next we did a Round of Taiji (right side) tuned into the applications and changes that the two person drills had on BKATS and WHLC

Next we did a Standing session using Wild Goose Leaves The Flock for the single leg postures.

We ended with a Healing Qigong

After class I did a round of Taiji Jian with Janee.