Saturday, August 3, 2024

Saturday Practice


I started out in the driveway again. I did another video shoot of the double cane exercise "Make noise going into Battle'". I didn't like the one I shot yesterday and I'm determined to get a short video of the exercise. Wish me luck!

The Details:

It's 72 at the house. It's forecast to be another hot and humid day. The sunrise was at 5:45

The Practice:

After shooting the video in started to rain so I went into the apron of my garage and enjoyed staying dry and hearing rain fall on the metal roof of my garage. I had a profound connection to nature.

I did a full round of The 10+ focused on the health benefits from daily practice of them.

Next I did a Round (left side) tuned into connecting to nature. The folling rain really helped.

Next I did a full Healing Qigong - Qi permeates my bones -

Next I did a round of Anyo Isa focused on the quality and agility of my postures.

Next I did a round of Naihanchi Kata tuned into the changes that I'm making. The changes are starting to solidify.

Luckily I had my rain gear in my Volvo! It was pouring out!!