Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sunday Practice at The Studio


The Details:

It's 61 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:46. I'm going into The Studio to teach a seminar on The 10+ from 9-noon this morning. 

The Practice:

I started in The Driveway with a Round (right side) tuned into cultivating a Tranquil State Of Mind (TSOM). I recited the Taiji Classics during Part I

Next I drove into The Studio to teach a seminar from 9-noon on The 10 Exercises +

First I set up my gear and changed into my uniform and training sneakers. 

I started by talking a bit about the history of The 10 and a few of the principles that one should strive to embody when practicing The 10

- Maintaining relaxed balance

= Distinguishing red tissue (belly of the big muscles) from white tissue (connective tissue/fascia)

- Develop the two hands clapping: Ting (self awareness) = Song (relax/release/expand). More Song leads to more Ting and the cycle continues.

- Coordination for health and coordination for martial arts

Next we found a partner and adjusted each others Standing Post Training attempting to have a push from any direction able to be grounded through alignment and slightly stretched (expanded) connective tissue.

Next we did the first 5 of The 10 - I showed the + part as variations in #3, 4 and 5 (I did not present the neck stretches)

Next we did a short session with a partner working on #4 The Seahorse Rides The Waves.

After we did a short review of the first 5 exercises (The Originals)

Next we took a 5 minute water break

When we came I introduced #6 and talked about a few of the most important principles in this exercise. Afterwards I showed several variations.

Next we practice the applications of #6 with a partner.

Next I went on to show the original #7 then I showed several variations

I talked about abdominal breathing and did a partner drill to become more aware of the Yin/Yang of breathing. The abdomen moves actively (Yang) while any movement in the chest (floating rib area) is passive.

Next we did #8 and I talked about 'functional exercises'. This exercise is to maintain leg strength to be able to sit down and stand up without using arms. Maintaining and cultivating lean muscle in the whole body but especially the legs is crucial to staying mobile and self sufficient as we age (IMO)/

Next I showed the original #9 along with several variations, I focused on the main variation that is currently being taught in the Youth Karate program.

Next I showed the original #10 (the wahsing machine) then I showed Bruce Franzis' Three Swings with a little detail of the first two and less for the third.

Next I showed the first two Song Gong exercises and explained some of the detail that I'm currently using.

I ended with a quick review of the original 10 exercises.

FYI - ***The original 10 Exercises are on this blog under the label "10 exercises" I also put a list of the exercises yesterday. 

If you have any trouble or if you simply have a question. Please feel free to email me:

email Sifu Roy