Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thursday Practice


                                                                   Looking north.

I've been loving the new placement of my Bagua Poles. I find myself attracted to using them daily! 

More BaguaZhang = Better Health!


Is Bagua Zhang superior to Taiji Quan?

Email J. R. Roy Sifu

The Details:

It's 57 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:28, It's another cool and clear day. I have an appointment in Brattleboro VT at 10 with Shayna to get my haircut.

The Practice:

It's one of those piecemeal kinda days. 

I started out in The Driveway with a brief warm up and Part I of the Taiji Form. 

Next I drove up to Brattleboro and ended up being 10 minutes early. So I found a private place outside and did Part II,

After arriving home from the appointment I organized a dump run and then went out into my main training space and did a round of the 8 Animal Set from Cheng T'ing Hwa BaguaZhang that I learned from Master Zhang Jie back in the 1990's. I did the set around my Bagua Poles.

Next I did Part III (left side) and found that I migrated over to the right side a couple of times. I rarely do my Rounds piece meal like I did today, but there are those busy days that flush our like that. Frankly it's not the best Round I've ever had but I 1. Got it in!! 2. Stayed consistent 

IF you practice every day there will be good ones and then there's the other side being 'Not as good'; When the Round happens to be not as good I find that it's fodder to keep you ego in check.

I ended with Healing Qigong

I'm going to have a BLT with fabulous Leyden tomatoes....Yum! Perhaps my favorite sandwich of all time!!