Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Wednesday Practice @ Paul's


The Details:

It's 48 at the house. The sunrise was at 6:27. It's forecast to be cool and clear. I'll be driving down to Hatfield at 10 to meet with Paul C.

The Practice:

I started out in The Driveway with a brief warm up using the first three of The 10

Next I did a Round of Taiji (left side) I recited the Taiji Classics and focused on embodying Taiji Principles throughout the form.

I ended with a brief Healing Qigong

I drove the Lexus down to Paul's, my Volvo is in the shop.

After I arrived we started walking around his house (inside)

Next we did walk side to side (toe/heel) and backwards (toe/heel) we had already practiced forward walking (heel/toe)

Next I introduced two functional exercises to help maintain the physical ability to walk.

Next we did leg swings using a chair to help with his balance.

Next we did an ankle exercise Dorsiflexion to Point Your Toes. We did it standing (with chair for help with balance) but this exercise can be easily done while sitting.

Next we did a functional exercise: 

1. Sitting Down

2. Standing up from a sitting position

The idea as an exercise is to work towards using just your legs and not depending on arm strength to stand up or sit down.

Next I did Arm Circling (both hands at the same time) in both directions

Next I did Arm Circling front to back and visa versa.

Next we did Push and Pull with strength, followed by Single Arm Push-Hands remembering to keep the eye's and the head UP!

Next we did 3 Rounds of the first half of Part I

We ended with a brief Standing Post Training using Taoist Longevity Breathing