Monday, November 30, 2020

Sunrise Monday 11.20.20 - ****Fourth installment Qigong Walking

 Well it's the last day of November 2020 and a big storm and weather change is on the way across Florida, coming in from the NW. 

Very nice color right before sunrise. Very little wind and the last morning of warmer temperatures as a cold front is coming in later today. 

****When I'm Qigong walking I basically first tune into the same principles as I do while practicing Standing Meditation, then I add the moving forward principles (from Bagua Zhang) as I alternate right and left steps.  Once I have all the physical particulars attended to and I calibrate my mind to tune into myself and my breathing, I then connect with Mother Ocean/Sky/Beach (nature).

I then recite out loud:

"Feel the skin, 

Gently stretching, 

Elastic and expanding like a balloon.

Beneath the skin,

Hollow and empty."

Feel all the skin over the entire body gently stretching/releasing with your movement. 

Connect all the facial tissue from head to toe. 

Song (release/relax) downward, (Bone Up/Muscle Down)

Peng  upward, (Inflating energy, like a balloon filling, from the bottom up)

Fill your entire being with:


Relax and Release ALL excess tension - Mentally, Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually

FYI - Mental release is very difficult - Be patient -