Sunday, November 29, 2020

Sunrise Sunday 11.29.20 - ***Thirds installment Qigong Beach Walking

Tide was high with NO wind, so the no-see-ums were out if full force. I still managed to get a warm up, some Qigong and a round of T'ai Chi with only a dozen or so bites. Hungry little devils, those no-see-ums!! The beach was running out so I'm going to wait for lower tide to Beach Walk.

When Qigong Walking:

Align to relax,
Relax releases
Release expands
Expansion connects internally
and externally (to your partner or nature)
1. Roll the feet
2. Soften the knees
3. Release your lower back by aligning the head and shoulders
4. Feel the line from the crown of your head to the perineum (Chung meridian)
5. Connect that line to the point between the balance point of you feet (Bubbling Springs)
6. Increase your awareness paying attention to the quality of your Central Equilibrium
7. Strive for relaxed balance, a product of releasing downward (Song), devoid of any excess tension