Friday, January 6, 2023

Sunrise Practice Friday 1.6.23


The Photo:

Cooler today with a brisk N wind. I was comfortable because I dressed for it! I needed gloves and a wind breaker to practice.

I captured this moment when a large flock of birds left their roost just north of 27th Ave. There were hundreds of them. It's nice to see large flocks of sea birds these past few days. I just love watching the Pelicans and the Black Skimmers. They are ONE with nature, on the highest level. They are simply amazing to witness in person.

I also like the 'river of light' that the sunrise reflected in the wet sand on the beach. Nature rules!!

Of Note:

I saw my new friend John as I was shooting the sunrise. In between warm ups we chatted about our morning routine. He asked me "do you ever miss a day"? I said "I sure do". 

The Practice:

When developing the early morning practice habit; It's very important to be kind to yourself. Rest when you need to, as opposed to 'quitting' or 'giving up', simply rest, take a break, give yourself some space. IMHO - That level of self-discipline is necessary for a life long practice.  

*Although when I'm living my best life I make it down to the beach to shoot the sunrise and do my morning routine (internal cultivation exercises). It's an experience that few get to enjoy;^)

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