Monday, January 9, 2023

Sunrise Practice Monday 1.9.23


The Photo:

Cool (mid 50's) hardly any wind. It was 'crisp'. The tide was pretty high, so the sand was softer than I prefer to practice on. But still......

The Practice:

After I shot the sunrise I started with my usual warm ups. 


A 'warm up' is extremely important to do on all levels: Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually. 

Your intention must address all of these aspects of SELF in order to obtain the correct mind set and physical preparedness to approach the Internal Cultivation Arts.

I proceeded to do a Round on the left side. This morning I was mostly focused on "The whole body must be light and spirited with all of it's parts connected like a string of pearls."

After the Round I did Wuji Standing and Breathing with the Earth, followed by single leg Standing using Play Guitar with 80/20 stance work. 

Finishing with Healing Qigong.

With gratitude and appreciation!!


I saw Jane as I was walking to the beach. Just to say hi. Then while I was shooting the sunrise I saw Bob the Mailman and his pal Mike to talk to. I also saw the women with the rather large and exuberant German Sheppard whom I politely asked "I'd appreciate it if you put your dog on a leash" She complied at least until she was out of my 'area'. The dog seems to love the ocean.