Monday, March 20, 2023

Monday Practice


The Photo:
It was cold this morning, barely making it into the 50's at sunrise [7:29]. The wind was strong and cold from the N N/E, making the high tide [8:28] even higher. There was virtually no beach to practice on, just super soft and deep sand, closer to the dunes.  I opted to come back to the house and practice in my backyard, out of that stiff N N/E wind. Brrrr!

The Practice:
This morning training theme was to increase and sustain my feeling of stretching (slightly) my facial tissue from the bottoms of my feet to my finger tips; Like smoothing out a sheet on a bed or a table cloth, slightly stretching from corner to corner, side to side and top to bottom, all parts connected by releasing tension and adjusting each joint and the belly of each large muscle to release and lengthen as opposed to contract and shorten. Striving for maximum length in all connective tissue [from release]. When 'opening' and 'closing' in my Round; Internally lengthening connective tissue remains constant. 

The principle for the T'ai Chi Ch'uan Classics:

"Neither deficiency nor excess"

There was a large group of teen girls taking bikini photos of each other with the sunrise in the background. Oy Vey! This is such a common occurrence these days, I'd say daily during spring break.