Sunday, March 19, 2023

Sunday Pratice


The Photo:

It was cold this morning in the low 50's with a steady north wind....Brrr! I had everything on, even put my ear flap hat on and gloves. 

7:30 sunrise with high tide at 7:58 this morning.  

There was a heavy cloud cover, the sun wasn't able to break through. 

The Practice:

It was almost too cold to practice effectively. Cold tightens the body! I almost called it, but then as I progressed through my warm ups, I was able to adjust accordingly and did not get chilled. 

In order to practice on firmer sand, I opted for the quicksand that's very close to the waters edge. I played tag (push-hands) with the ocean and managed to keep my sneakers dry;^)

One of the main themes for this mornings session: 

Sung Kua 

Set the Shoulders 

I started working on these two principles in my Warm Ups. 

1. Especially focusing on the Kua [inguinal fold] during the 3 Swings Qigong and Song [Sung] Gong, then throughout my Round [left side], notably on the Empty Stepping. 

2. Feeling my arms are Silk Scarves during the 3 Swings, Song Gong and my Round and Setting my shoulders again and again. Notably in Fan Through The Back. 

Colder weather tends to contract the body. 

As the body continues to cool and hypothermia sets in; The body will involuntarily start shivering, as the muscles contract and release rapidly. Before that simply feeling cold will partially contract the body. It's a natural response. This morning it was almost to cold [and windy] to practice properly [imo]. 

With skill and experience one can still relax/release the muscles, when it's colder. This was my 'project' this morning. I'd give this mornings practice a B+ in the Sung department and A+ in the 'adjust to the cold and windy beach' department.


The beach was almost entirely empty this morning. Apparently it was too cold and windy for the regulars and spring breakers too!  And it was high tide ta boot.