Friday, November 24, 2023

Friday Practice


The Photo: Sunrise at 6:55, high tide at 5:57, cold (50's) with a north breeze....Brrr! I dressed for it, but still.....

When I looked to the north there was an unusual vertical rainbow that seemed to bleed color across the entire horizon. Very cool!

The Practice:

I started with a full Warm Up using The 10+ Exercises. I feel that I'm getting a lot of benefit (health wise) from The 10+.

Next did a Round (right side) focusing on observing the quality of my movements with my meditative mind. I continue to work on 'getting out of the way' and just let 'it' happen. You can only go so far with the conscious mind. Higher levels are only going to be possible when you evolve past conscious thought and rely on what you've already trained to be 'automatic' and unconscious. Very tricky transition, because it feels like your doing less, because you are not consciously 'trying' to do anything. You're just letting it happen. Good luck! 

Note: The use of your unconscious mind is only going to be applicable after substantial training. In musical practices we call it 'Wood Shedding'; Practicing _______ to the point that you no longer need to think about it. 

When you evolve your technique (musical or martial) so that you no longer have to think about it, you're preparing to improvise with other musicians or respond appropriately to a self-defense situation. If you're still at the level of having to think about your own playing there will be nothing left to listen to your fellow musicians and will not be able to respond appropriately. Just like in self-defense your response has to be automatic reflex in order to be effective.