Sunday, November 26, 2023

Sunday Practice 11.26.23


The Photo:

Sunrise 6:57, high tide at 7:38 (3,2') the breeze was coming directly in from the east. There was virtually no hard packed sand to practice on. I switched lenses this morning to a Tokina (wide angle) Fish Eye 10-17mm.

I'll be experimenting with different lenses and cameras for my sunrise photo's, just for fun. I find it interesting how different cameras see light differently. There are so many options in the digital age, both in taking photos and developing photos. It certainly makes it super easy to accumulate images. That's an understatement!! Oy!

The Practice:

I started with a full Warm Up using The 10+, followed by a Round (left side). I did Part I and started Part II before the tide came up too high to continue. So I packed up and came back to the house to finish my practice in the backyard.

There were quite a few tourists on the beach for sunrise this morning, I guess it's the end of the Thanksgiving week onslaught? 

I saw Shawn and Timothy again, along with Shawn's wife (?). Timothy was going to do a bit of 'dirt biking' on the beach, but alas the tide did not cooperate and they decided that his electric bike wasn't going to do very well in the soft sand. Soft sand is super tough to bike in! Good call!