Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Wednesday Practice


                          There was a sparkle on the top of the waves this morning. Love that!!

The Photo (s):
Sunrise at 6:59, the last low tide at 4:32 am, cold (40's) with a brisk breeze from the N N/W ....It was cold and deserted on the beach. I dressed for it! But still......I kept my back to the wind.

The Practice:
After setting up my rig and snapping a few photos I started with a full Warm Up. I believe I've got the full Warm Up intact once again. I'm convinced that The 10+ holds many, many benefits from regularly doing the whole enchilada. I've been told by a reliable source (Dr. Leung himself RIP) that The 10 are super important later in life. I'm there!!
Next I did a Round (right side). I've been reciting the Classics out loud while doing the Round. This morning I was focused on the feeling that I've developed over the 4+ decades of daily practice. I'm becoming 'it'.....The feeling that I'm getting is difficult to convey. I can't say I fully understand exactly what's happening. The practice is changing me inside and out. I'm becoming one with nature, through and through!
A cultivated appreciation of nature that over time (decades) is bearing fruit. 

FYI - The techniques that I'm using to connect to nature are very teachable.

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