Friday, December 15, 2023

Friday Practice


The Photo:

The sunrise was at 7:10 the last low tide was at 5 so the tide was coming up. There was very little beach to practice on. The wind was steady at 15-20 with gusts as high as 40. Luckily it wasn't too cold...Yay! 

The Practice:

I was in soft sand again! Really soft sand right up by the dunes. Very difficult to keep firm footing. The soft sand kept me focused on exactly how my feet were contacting the ground. Stepping like a cat hunting. 

I started with The 10+. I'll write more about these special exercises at some point. I feel that they are very developmental and that I gain a lot of skill and health benefits from doing the full series each and everyday. The 10+ change from day to day according to what I need during that particular session. I'm warming up more than just my muscles and nerve. 

Next I did a Round (left side) trying to replicate the feelings and experiences that I had yesterday on the patio in the backyard. The soft sand kept bringing back to the realization of exactly how much more difficult it is to keep relaxed balance in soft sand. Especially the kicks were very challenging. If I was very careful about my footing, I could maintain balance and take my time with the kicks, extending them all the way to muscle lock. 

Next I reviewed Anyo Tatlo (#3) and Seiuchin Kata

I had a 8am video call with Jeff, so I needed to get back to the house.

I'll do some weapons training in the back yard to top it off. Then a trip to the gym and an evening beach walk.