Thursday, December 14, 2023

Thursday Practice

The Photo:

 Sunrise was at 7:10 with the next high tide at 9:35. There was a heavy cloud bank on the horizon. So it was almost a complete wash out. The wind was a steady 15-20 gusting to 25-30, coming straight in from the east, perpendicular to the beach, the worst wind direction for the fragile shoreline mid-island. The sea was angry!!

The forecast is for stronger winds over the next couple of days, topping out Saturday night at high tide. Oh boy!! I can only imagine the shoreline erosion. Fingers crossed the big black bags that have been put out help. I guess time will tell. I'm sure the walkovers are going to take a hit. Some of those walkovers  are brand spanking new. 

The Practice:

Because of the strong wind and with the tide rising, there was hardly any beach left  to practice on. There was no hard packed sand. The past few days I've been dealing with the soft sand; Stepping  very carefully (like a cat hunting) and focusing on Zhong Ding (relaxed balance - central equilibrium). 

I started with a full round of The 10+ interspersed with taking photos of the sunrise.

Next I started a Round (right side) but 1/2 way through Part I a squall came in from the east. I had been watching the squal for a while. I could see it first on the horizon, but with the wind direction due east it finally made it to shore. I kept practicing but I quickly started to get wet...Enough is enough! I packed up and headed back to the house. I figured I'd finish my practice in the backyard.

When I resumed my Round I started at the middle part of Part I. I found myself easily able to access some of the progress I've been making on the beach. Different shoes and a solid surface made for an awesome Round. Some hard earned principles were present unconsciously and noticeably evolved. I had a profound feeling of my whole body being connected as if the joints were a 'string of pearls'. I was extended enough to enhance the feeling of 9 Joint Harmony. I especially was able to identify the Joint Harmony as the Jin rebounded upward from foot to finger tips. Wonder-filled Round! I wish I could bottle it....I'd be rich!!

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