Monday, December 4, 2023

Monday Practice


The Photo:

Sunrise was at 7:03, low tide at 7:47 warm (high 60's) with a slight breeze from the north. Plenty of hard packed sand/beach to practice on.

The Practice:

It was a very colorful (lot's of reds and pinks) sunrise so I spent a fair amount of time shooting the sunrise as well as lots of social interactions on the beach this morning. 

I did a full 10+ to start with and then a Round (right side). 

My mental focus this morning was gravity and reflecting on the realization that gravity is an incredibly important aspect of our existence. During my practices I direct gravity into the center of my bones; Zhong Ding

Reciting "Chi (qi) permeates my bones!"

Gravity is a force that is directly linked to weight. The weight is the force of gravity that the planet’s mass exerts on all the objects on its surface as a consequence, within its field of gravity. The weight of the same body can vary on different planets if the mass of these is different from the mass of the Earth since in each of them, the force of gravity will be different.

 Earths gravitational field is perfect for humans. It's neither too strong or too weak but in perfect balance to allow for stars, planets, solar systems, galaxies and the universe itself. All is possible because of the perfect balance provided by the specific force of gravity being not too strong or too weak....but just right!!

It's a metaphor for the rest of the practices and life itself. Everything in balance....not too little or too much.

Next I reviewed Anyo #8 (Walo) and Sunsu Kata

In the afternoon I went to Nautilus by the Sea to do some resistance training and stretching

I ended the day with a Qigong Beach Walk.....

                                         With gratitude and appreciation!


 I had several folks stop to chat this morning. First Paul stopped by on his way south. He was riding his bicycle again this morning trying to take care of his knee. 

Next I met Nissann and Natash. They happened to be walking by just as I had stopped practicing and came up to me to tell me how watching me practice every morning brought a smile to their face. It reminded Nissann of her father who also has been practicing Tai-Chi for years. Very cool to know that my practicing in public is having a positive effect on folks, even though I don't know that they are. I was very pleased to hear the feedback. It made my day and reinforced how I was practicing; In yin/yang balance.