Thursday, December 7, 2023

Thursday Practice

The Photo: 

Sunrise at 7:05, the next low tide at 10:35 am, cold (40's) with a steady N N/W wind. It was cold, but I dressed for it.

The Practice:

I started with a full 10+ followed by a Round (right side). I focused on feeling the connection from foot to hand throughout the session, in particular the Round. 

Next I reviewed Anyo Tatlo (Modern Arnis empty hand form #3) and Seiuchin Kata, focused on moving relaxed balance (tricky on the beach).

Next I reviewed:

Tai-Chi Double Saber

Tai-Chi Cane

All 4 of the Modern Arnis Cane Anyo's

Followed by cane basics

I ended with a Healing Qigong

Then off to shop at Gaff's


I saw John again.....He said it's just too cold to surf!

 John walking north at sunrise

I also saw several sunrise beach regulars like Paul, who was walking this morning.

I also saw Marty who get Thursday's off and likes to walk to Flagler before the sun rises so he can watch the sunrise on his way back south to 22nd Ave. He had short and a t-shirt on!! His concession to the cold was to wear a hat. Oh ya and he was wadding in the water. He said the water temp was warmer that the air!