Friday, December 22, 2023

Thursday Practice


The Photo:

The sunrise was at 7:14 this morning, high tide will be at 10:10. The wind was steady (5-10)  out of the E N/E and the temperature was warm enough so that I didn't need gloves or ear flaps....Yay!

The Practice:

There was plenty of hard packed sand to practice on but I choose to practice in the 'quick sand' right near the waters edge. It's fine until you stand on one leg for an extended period of time, then you sink in and the footing becomes very unstable = Challenging! 

I started with The 10+ and began to adjust my thinking. I was focused on stretching the connective tissue from foot to fingers, all the while maintaining relaxed balance. 

Next I did a Round (right side) focusing on being soft and smooth. I had a profound feeling of my 'frequency'...I'm simply a vibration, a manifestation of a specific frequency. The principles of Tai-Chi along with abdominal breathing and a focus on balancing Qi, Shen and Jin.

Next I'm back and the beginning of my external form review so I did Anyo Isa (#1) and Nihanchi Kata again I focused on full extension and a little more power all the while being relaxed and in balance. 

Next I did a double cane warm up and some basics with my dragon canes. I finished with a round of the Tai-Chi Double Broadsword.

I'm finding the 'binding of the head' with the weapons an excellent shoulder development exercise as long as the shoulders are relatively healthy to begin with the binding of the head movements in the weapons forms are excellent at building bullet proof shoulder strength and flexibility.