Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Tuesday Practice

After sunrise, the sun peaked out from behind the clouds in this lovely display of light.

Just before sunrise. This is the very first shot that I took. The sky had some incredible variations on pink...The camera failed to capture the nuance. Oh well.....That's a normal paradigm with camera's vs reality.

IMO - The camera is merely a surrogate. Even the very best camera is not able to recreate the nuance and variations in color that nature is able to produce. Even though we humans are seeing a very small band of the actual light spectrum....Same with our hearing. Music is particularly suited for human listening....same with the visual arts. IMO

The Photo (s):

The sunrise was at 7:09 with high tide at 8:00. It's cold (low 50's) with brisk N N/E wind. Brrrr! I dressed for it. The forecast was for it to be even colder. It was not as bad as predicted. I didn't need my ear flaps, gloves or hood. Yay! 

The Practice:

There was beach but it was soft sand, difficult stuff to practice in. Balancing is a real issue when the ground beneath you isn't solid but in fact easily movable, giving away when you try and balance on one foot. 

I started with The 10+ feeling the slight stretch of fascia, nerves and connective tissue throughout. I also tuned into Zhong Ding (relaxed balance) throughout. Relaxed single leg balancing is challenging in the softer sand, it reminds me of walking on crusty snow attempting to not 'break through'. 

Next I did a Round (left side) focused on a light and agile body at all times. I also tuned into stepping onto the dead center of my feet. This brought a lot of attention and intention to my feet, especially the Bubbling Spring area. 


I didn't see a single person on the beach this morning. The cold forecast, the strong N N/E wind and high tide at 8 is what kept folks off the beach. I really enjoyed the privacy! Makes me look forward to those cold and windy days coming up.....The privacy is delicious! Yum
