Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Tuesday Practice


Another total wash out of a sunrise. It was foggy and warm with a S S/W breeze. Reminded me of Maine!

             Three of the regular walkers, walking south into the fog.....Taken with my phone camera.

I also saw John the surfer first. He stopped to talk, then Nisann, Craig and Natasha stopped by. 
I'm finding that the social interactions on the beach are very special! It's great when you get to see folks day after day, week after week, season after season.

The Photo:

I didn't bring my camera gear (tripod, camera etc.) this morning because I knew the sunrise was going to be overcast, cloudy and grey. 

Sunrise was at 7:19, low tide 6:40. It was 67 at the house.

The Practice:

I didn't bring my dragon canes but opted for my rattan walking cane.

I started with a full warm up using The 10+

Next I did a Round (right side) focused on:

Muscle Down

Bone Up

I find myself at the point the practice at sunrise project , after 60+ consecutive days of sunrise practices, the point when it becomes ordinary and regular. I continue to access gratitude and appreciation for where I am and what I'm doing, but it does take more effort to get the 'new' feeling. 

Next I reviewed Anyo Pito (#7) and Sunsu Kata

Next I reviewed Tai-Chi Saber with my walking stick

After a Healing Qigong I returned to the house.