Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Wednesday Practice


Yesterday on my afternoon beach walk a cold front came through. You could feel the front as it hit the beach; The temperature instantly and dramatically dropped at least 10 degree's. Shot with my phone camera.

Just before sunrise with my Sony camera
Just after sunrise. Shot with my Sony camera

The Photo:

The sunrise was at 7:19 (again!), low tide at 7:43. It was 48 at the house, colder on the beach with a stiff and steady northeast wind.....Even with everything on....It was cold!  Brrrr!

The Practice:

The tide was low and I found an 'island' of sand very close to the water. Since the tide was still going down I stayed dry even during the biggest waves. It was nice to be so close to the water line and so far away from the walkers. It felt much more private, if it was warmer with less wind it would have been the perfect practice spot for me. So close to the big amplifier; The Atlantic Ocean!! At sunrise on a clear day the qi is palpable.

It was the coldest sunrise yet. With a stiff and steady N N/E wind I kept my back (with hood up) to the wind during my warm up. I did a full 10++. The additional + is extra qigong/neigong. I attempted to release into the cold throughout this session. 

I did a Round (right side) focused on 'swimming in air' and moving through release as opposed to contraction. 

Next I reviewed Anyo Walo (#8) and Sanchin Kata....I was still trying to release into the cold i. e. warm up!

Next I used my long walking cane to review Tai-Chi Saber a couple of times with some basics from the form. A couple of iterations of the form and I was 'warmed up'. Amazing considering the temp and wind direction. 

I ended with a Healing Qigong and then back to the house.