Monday, February 19, 2024

Monday Practice


It was another washout sunrise this morning. It's still raining, not hard but enough to need rain gear. It's also cold and the north wind makes it very inhospitable. I was operating mostly on the habit of getting out to the beach to snap a few photos of the sunrise and to exercise. This morning I shot this one photo of the washout and did a Round of Taiji.....That's all I could do! 

The Details:

It's 55 at the house. Sunrise was at 7:00, low tide at 11:26. The wind was steady out of the north and it was raining....Again! Oy!!

The Practice:

Jeff has been here and we started meeting on Saturday morning when we worked standardizing the forms that are taught at The Studio. Yesterday (Sunday) we worked on The Taiji Dance, Push-Hands and Tapi-Tapi. We spent a little time on Double Zero with a single cane. We plan on meeting again this morning. Because of the rainy and cold weekend, we've been training in my garage. 

I started right out with a Round (left side) focused on JOM and the idea of consistency. Today I accomplished 101 beach/sunrise practices this season. I'd have to admit that if it was initially such crummy weather I don't suspect I would have been able to discipline myself to get up and going at such and early hour (sunrise) to shoot the sunrise and to exercise.