Thursday, February 1, 2024

Thursday Practice - Day 8,251


Just before sunrise a squadron of Pelicans fly the waves.....I'm in awe of nature!

A few seconds before the 'ball' rises out of the Atlantic....I'm in awe!!

The Details:

The sunrise was at 7:13, low tide at 7:26. It's 53 here at the house. It was pleasantly cool on the beach. Crisp and lovely!! It was a very social morning! First John (the surfer), then Mary K, then Paul (the jogger). I'm really appreciating these interactions with 'regulars' on the beach this season. For me, the sunrise energy on New Smyrna Beach is fabulous!! I feel it building my qi day by day, slow but steady as she goes. Today was my 83rd sunrise photo/practice this season. With gratitude and appreciation.

The Practice:

After setting up my camera rig I started with The 10+, I kept stopping to chat with a few of the regulars. That is becoming an integral part of the warm up. I had a profound connection to the energies of nature and the people around me. With gratitude and appreciation.

After my warm up I did a Round (left side) I focused on breathing slow, fine, even and soft....In and out through the nose. I also focused on a light energy at the top of my head; As I release all tension down (song), energy rises up from my feet, to my legs, spine and up to the top of my head. It's as if I was suspended from above. (think skeleton hanging in science class)

Next I did a round of Anyo Pito and Sunsu Kata. I focused on the beginning of Anyo Pito and the end of Sunsu Kata. 

Next I did a round of Taiji Broadsword with my walking cane. I'm finding the length and weight of the walking stick for weapons forms practice, productive. 

Next I did a row (or two) of basics with my left hand.

I finished with a Healing Qigong as I was breaking down my camera rig and returning to the house.


At the Beach Side Nautilus Gym I've been using the weighted poly pipe that they have in the exercise room to practice staff basics and warm ups. The weight, length and diameter of the poly pipe make it more demanding for my grip, forearms and shoulders.

I'm on a roll of getting to the gym three times per week. I'm determined to keep growing lean muscle mass until I can't! 

IMO - The paradigm/formula for anything you would like to get good at:

    Consistency is essential

       It's more important that intensity... 

                      but, intensity is important too!

Master Paul Gallagher (RIP) once told me:

                                            "First you must call the qi... 

Eventually the qi will call you!" 

I've found this to be profoundly true......Bow!