Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Wednesday Practice - Valentines Day


The sun was up when I first got down to the beach and got my rig set up. This is the fist shot in raw format (ARW in the Sony Mirrorless Camera). Below is the jpeg version. I use both formats for every shot. RAW format is best for underwater. I'm finding above that the jpeg (compressed) version is sometimes a bit better for sunrises. 

The Details:

The sunrise was 7:05, low tide at 6:25. It's 53 at the house. There was a gentle breeze from the north. It was a bit cooler than the past few days but with my hood up I didn't need ear flaps. I did keep my back to the wind when possible. As I warmed up it didn't seem to matter. 

The Practice:

GG arrived back home late last evening. Yay!

I didn't have to rush back to the house to walk Echo. Yay!!

I started with a full warm up using The 10+ focused on extension and spiraling my spine, relaxed balance and agility.

Next I did a Round (left side) focused on light and agile body.

Next I did a round of Anyo Tatlo and Seiunchin Kata focused on the quality of my basics; Punches, Kicks, Stance work and mobility. Light and agile throughout.

Next I used my walking cane to do a round of Taiji Dao (broadsword) focused on the change I'm making to the timing of the 'shuffle' with eyes continually following the tip.

I finished with a Healing Qigong as I was returning to the house.


I saw the 4 sunrise walkers to wave at, then Paul stopped by on his bicycle to chat briefly. I saw Michael and his wife Lisa when I crossed A1A. They recently bought the 'french ladies' house (I think?). They moved in about 4 months ago and are renovating inside. Michael is retired from a career in the Army.