I shot this image with my phone camera from The Deck looking W S/W. The lilacs are in bloom it smells amazing all around the house. Perfect!
Looking S S/W from The Deck. Spring green is Ooh la la!
The Details:
It's 51 at the house. Sunrise was at 5:26.
The Practice:
I had a 8-9 am video call with Jeff to start the day, then I had a dental cleaning in Greenfield at 10.
I started my practice, out on The Deck with The 10+, after getting off the computer with Jeff.
Next I did a Round tuned in to gratitude, appreciation and compassion in the present moment!
I ended with a Healing Qigong before cleaning up for my dentist appointment.
Thich Nhat Hanh:
" The energy of compassion in you will transform life
make it more beautiful."