Thursday, May 2, 2024

Thursday Practice


          I shot this image with my phone camera around 10 am. It's a beautiful day in the Shire (Leyden)

The Details:

It was 50 first thing this morning. After my need to do asap chores (fasting blood draw in Bratt and lawn tractor to United in Gfld) it had warmed up to a cozy 60 in the sun. There was little to no wind. Beautiful day!

The Practice:

After a  brief warm up I did a Round (right side) to Master T. T. Liang's count and music. Tuned into my environment and The Classics (Principles)

Next I did a short Standing Meditation

Next I did a round of Anyo Walo tuned into the quality of my basics and the flow of the Anyo.

Next I did a round of Sanchin Kata tuned into the changes that I'm making to that form and the 'internal' ideas in the form and of course The Breathing in coordination with the postures.

Next I reviewed the first Yin Fu BaguaZhang set that I learned from Dr. Leung in 1979. 

[Bow] RIP - Gone but not forgotten!

I ended with a brief Healing Qigong


My left thumb and index finger are achy and tender again this morning. It's been several weeks since the initial irritation to the area the first time I tried to really practice a trill (triplet) with the right hand on bass guitar. I was working up White Rabbit by the Jefferson Airplane and having difficulty doing the triplet with two fingers so I thought I'd use my ring finger too! Oy! I was using WAY to much tension in my thumb while it was resting on the front pickup. Oy!! I'm wondering if all those decades of drum set playing and rudiment practice has had a negative effect on my thumbs. Hmmmm!