Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Wednesday Practice - Day 8,341 -


                                                           The Daffodils are blooming! 
                                                Nature's qi is strong and potent in the spring;^)

The Details:

It was 50 at the house and raining with little to no wind. 

The Practice:

Yang Cheng Fu's 10 Essential Points of Taiji Quan:

#6 "Use mind-intent, do not use muscular force."

Master Paul's commentary:
"The treatise on Taiji Quan says, "The whole principle is to use mind-intent and not muscular force." When one practices Taiji the entire body must be relaxed and open, without using the slightest external muscular force, so that one can release the stagnation in the sinews, bodes, and blood vessels. After that one will be able to change (one's movements) lightly and nimbly and to turn the body at will. Some express doubts as to whether one can develop strength without using muscular force. Perhaps they do not realize that man's body contains path ways of energy as the earth contains subterranean watercourses, If the watercourses are not blocked, water will flow; if the meridians (energy channels) are not closed off, then qi will reach every part of the body without hindrance. If the entire body is full of stiff energy and the channels of energy are clogged, then the blood and qi will become stagnant, one's movements will be clumsy, and if even one hair is pulled, the entire body will move. If one does not use muscular force, but employs mind-intent, then wherever the is directed, the qi will follow. In this way, the qi and blood will flow freely and be conveyed to every part of the body without hindrance so that there is no stagnation or stoppage. If one practices for a long period of time, one will acquire the genuine intrinsic energy of Taiji. This is expressed in the Taiji Classics as follows, "When one has reached the ultimate point of softness and pliability, then one can reach the ultimate of strength and firmness." One who has fully mastered the art of Taiji has arms as soft as cotton externally, but with the weight of a heavy iron bar internally. One who practices an external art manifests his strength when using it; when he is not exerting energy, he is liable to float and be unsteady. One can see that such a person's energy is external "floating" energy. If one does not use mind-intent but uses only external muscular force, one can easily be trapped by an opponent and one's art will never reach a high level."

I started on the deck with a brief warm up

Next I did a Round (right side) to the music with Master T. T. Liang counting.

Next I did a brief Healing Qigong

Next I drove my Bimmer down to Hatfield to see Paul. We visited mostly and worked on a few things too:

Heel toe walking

Balancing on one leg

Taiji intro to connect to nature

Long left punch to my palm

Up and down with the arms - full range of motion


He was able to release (Song) his left shoulder with mind intent - Fabulous!

Next I drove back to Leyden stopping on the way for gas and 2 China Gourmet lunch specials.